Hi everyone, I hope you all. had a good weekend, despite the extreme weather we appear to be having either here in the UK, North America and Australia, be it lashing rain and winds, bitter cold and snow or high temperatures and bush fires.
Sitting in the relative warmth an d security of our home has been a time to take stock and plan for the rest of this year, tidying cupboards and garage, re-discovering materials I had forgotten about and preparing for our granddaughters visit in the next month. All wonderfully distracting and exciting, despite collecting a spare bed in the pouring rain and getting soaked into thnew the bargain, don't worry we kept the bed dry! We now have a spare bedroom resplendent with spare bed and cot, but no mattress for either, all will be sorted by the weekend in plenty of time for their arrival, I hope! Frugal Queen would be proud, the cot and spare bed were both freecycle items, both very good quality, but unwanted by their donors, great and this afternoon, I go to collect three carrier bags of toddler to pre-school books, so we will also have a veritable library for her.
My Craft Cafe and Quilters group, I think this should be renamed Natters Circle! However, I came away with lots of good ideas for new projects. One of these is to try and obtain, hopefully through freecycle, some welsh dining chairs, for which I want to make seat pads and backs, I have a design in mind. The search is on. Talking of new projects we now have a 1975 MGB sitting on the driveway awaiting restoration, photo's will follow in due course. Another project for this year is a visit to a computer specialist to sort out this laptop and see why it is so slow, I have tried everything I can think of to speed it up, well that seems to have worked!!!!
My poetic offering for today is yet another of my favourites and makes me chuckle, ducks and Sainsburys being quite relevant in our family at the moment! Have a lovely day wherever in the world you are and whatever extremes you are or are not undergoing, thank you as always for joining me.
My poetic offering for today is yet another of my favourites and makes me chuckle, ducks and Sainsburys being quite relevant in our family at the moment! Have a lovely day wherever in the world you are and whatever extremes you are or are not undergoing, thank you as always for joining me.
Ducks don't shop at Sainsbury's
Gary Boswell
You can't get millet at Sainsburys
and they don't sell grass or weed
it's a total dead loss
for heather and moss
and they don't stock sunflower seed
They've got some fish in the freezer
but they are low on rats and mice
and you're out of luck
if you are a debonair duck
and you want to buy something nice.
'cos none of their bread is stale
and they've stopped selling hay and straw.
Let's face it, if you were a duck in Sainsburys
you'd be heading for the exit door!
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