Monday, 10 February 2014

Squirrels nesting

Hello everyone, I hope I find you all well and rested after the weekend.

Our's was once again a quiet weekend, interspersed with the delights of granddaughters latest antics, this weekend found her exploring the depths of her mothers wardrobe, presumably hunting for the lion and the witch, and scaling whatever heights her little body could reach, and if it seemed unattainable showing that this was not the case by manoeuvring things to help her!

This morning I saw a squirrel busy collecting grass from around the apple tree and twigs from the ground, then coming back for more.  I assume this was to line it's nest in the dray, but is a sight I have never seen before, plenty of birds collecting nesting material over the years, but never squirrel's, another first to add to my ever increasing list.

Last week I picked up a magazine from the supermarket "Sew Home and Style" which had a voucher code for Simplicity New Look patterns giving 50% off until 14th February, and as the pattern I had decided on was by Simplicity, I ordered this and a second pattern online using the voucher and saved myself 50%.  Now I have to just wait (impatiently) for the patterns to arrive in order to start making the dress, at least I have my knitting and poetry to keep me occupied in the meantime.

So long for today and thank you once again for joining me, I look forward to joining you again tomorrow, have a lovely day today wherever in the world you are.


Watching Squirrels (William Worthless)
theres nothing I like more a wonderous site to see
I like to see the squirrel jump from tree to tree
jumping between the branches never ever still
bouncing in and out using so much skill
keeping so much balance he does it all with ease
making it look easy on his own trapeze.
then climbs in  a hole that is very deep
shuts his little eyes then off he goes to sleep.

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