Hi everyone, I hope I find you all well.
As anyone who knows me is aware, poetry is one of my loves, another is bubbles, I just love blowing bubbles, my family get bubbles in their Christmas stockings, and my daughter gets me bubbles as well. Yesterday my GG had to have some hospital tests and whilst waiting for the nurse, sat on her Dad's knee watching Show Me Show Me Bubbles courtesy of YouTube on his phone. Instantly I was transported outside along with my bubble blower, blowing bubbles, will I, should I grow up? I think not. I was reminded of a quote form Carl Sandburg, combining my love of poetry and bubbles and of course rainbows, another love.
Two bubbles found they had rainbows on their curves.
They flickered out saying:
"It was worth being a bubble, just to have held that rainbow thirty seconds. (Carl Sandburg.)
Next week I hope to have a whole heap of fun, looking after GG with DB and of course the dog and cat. DD and SiL are busy at work so we get the opportunity to enjoy and indulge ourselves, what joy, can't wait, neither can DB or Stuffy, who is halfway out of the door! On a less happy note NOS is off to Malta for three weeks, so will miss him being around. My cardigan is stalled, the wool has not arrived yet and may not be here before we leave for Devon, so I shall have to stock up on other projects to take with me for the few minutes I do have to knit, Nativity set may well get started along with a little elephant for GG.
Soap Bubble Dreams (Anula Aboobacker)
As tiny globes they float,
Wearing a rainbow coat,
Filled with young breath they glow,
The soap bubble dreams we blow.
Pop! They burst with stranger’s touch,
In the windless sky, away from our clutch.
...Life is rife with lies we tweak,
A hideout from our miseries!
Flightless wings and wailing dreams,
Are a kick back to reality!

Speak to you next week, and I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend wherever in the world you are.
Love Bubbles
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