Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Welcome to July

Hi everyone, and welcome to July, I hope I find you all well.

Another glorious day, washing on line blowing in the breeze, sky a beautiful blue, with little patches of fluffy white clouds.  I took my usual walk this morning, accompanied by the music of Harry Nillson, certainly helped to make the pace a little more brisk, and I am a little unsure about the looks I got as I walked past people humming away, where they genuine smiles or, looks of pity, I like to think genuine smiles.  My favourite song of his, would have to be "Without You", a close second "The Moonbeam Song" and for sheer comic cleverness "The lime in the coconut"  and yes I was singing/humming along to all of them!  Without you became our song back in 1971 when it was released and was the first LP that DB bought me,  and naturally had to be replaced by a CD at a later date. But for pure poetry, for me it has to be "The Moonbeam Song" and that is my offering today. (Two ducks in the pond today, both female Mallards, and both busy eating bread).

This afternoon I will have to venture into Llandaff Village, Post Office and Chemist call, this time in my new sandals, so wish me luck that I don't have a recurrence of broken sandal!  I may have to refrain from listening to music as I go, as there will be far more people to pass and really do not want to frighten the natives away.  I shall pop into Llandaff Cathedral and have yet another look at Dante Gabriel Rosetti's "Seed of David" painted between 1858 and 1864 if you ever get the chance, do have a look as it it really beautiful.

My cushion cover is coming along well, almost finished, blue in cable stitch, with two sizes of cable, pictures later when I finish it, just waiting for the cushion pads to arrive from ebay. 

Thank yo once again for listening to my ramblings,  have a lovely day wherever in the world you are, and speak to you again soon.  

love Bubbles.

"The Moonbeam Song"
Have you ever watched a moonbeam
As it slid across your windowpane
Or struggled with a bit of rain
Or danced about the weathervane
Or sat along a moving train
And wondered where the train has been

Or on a fence with bits of crap
Around its bottom
Blown there by a windbeam
Who searches for the moonbeam
Who was last seen
Looking at the tracks
Of the careless windbeam
Or moving to the tracks
Of the tireless freight train
And lighting up the sides
Of the weathervane
And the bits of rain
And the windowpane
And the eyes of those
Who think they saw what happened

Have you ever watched a moonbeam
As it slid across your windowpane
Or struggled with a bit of rain
Or danced about the weather vane
Or sat along a moving train
And wonder where the train has been?

Looking at the tracks
Of the careless windbeam
Or moving to the tracks
Of the tireless freight train
And lighting up the sides
Of the weathervane
And the bits of rain
And the windowpane
And the eyes of those
Who think they saw what happened

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