Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Pinch and a punch, it's the first of October

Hello everyone and a happy 1st October to you all.

As I put fingers to keypad I note that there are four magpies on my lawn, happily eating whatever insects they can find.  I know some people cannot abide magpies, but I find their colours so beautiful and their awkward flight so endearing that I cannot help but like them.  When we lived in Devon a few years ago, we had a very small, very brave cat, Smudge, who thought one of her missions in life was to take on a group of magpies, always a lot of noise from the magpies as they tried to frighten her off, but she slowly advanced until they all respectfully stood their ground, got bored and left the magpies for pastures new, and Smudge in search of a warm knee or bowl of food.  Such a funny sight.

October instils a feeling of calm and cosiness in me, nights draw in and as I draw the curtains earlier I feel warm and snug within the house, along with that more homely meals take place of the having said that, having cut right down on carbohydrates that means are warm homely meals will be healthier than last autumn, looking forward to it. 

Please don't get me wrong, I don't just love autumn,I will was lyrical about every season as they all have equal pleasure, they say you have to live in the moment, and that is what the seasons mean to me.  I find it odd to think that my niece in Australia is just easing herself into summer, whilst we are easing ourselves into autumn, she is just opening like a flower into the sun, and we are closing into the comforts of the autumn and winter.

 As by way of a change, instead of a poem I have a couple of quotes from Ann of Green Gables below, I remember long dark nights snuggled up in front of the fire reading her books, who can forget them

I picked up a whole new batch of material from my daughter the other week to breakdown ready for quilting, that's this afternoons job, then gathering up the recipes for Christmas cake and puddings checking off what I need ready to start preparations.  There is so much you can prepare ready fro Christmas to make your life a lot easier in the couple of months before hand, for hints and tips go the Frugal Queen, a fantastic blog and so helpful.  Well I must away before I bore you all silly.  

Thank you as ever for reading and have a wonderful day wherever in the world you are.   

Two quotes from Anne of Green gables, by L M Montgomerie

"It is October again and I am so glad I live in a world of Octobers....."

"It was October again when Anne was ready to go back to school--a glorious October, all red and gold, with mellow mornings when the valleys were filled with delicate mists as if the spirit of autumn had poured them in for the sun to drain--amethyst, pearl, silver, rose, and smoke-blue. The dews were so heavy that the fields glistened like cloth of silver and there were such heaps of rustling leaves in the hollows of many-stemmed woods to run crisply through. The Birch Path was a canopy of yellow and the ferns were sear and brown all along it. There was a tang in the very air that inspired the hearts of small maidens tripping, unlike snails, swiftly and willingly to school;....."

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